How to Plan a Wedding on a Budget


Wedding bells will soon be ringing, but this doesn’t mean that you have to hear the ding of a cash register as the costs pile up. On average, Americans spend between $25,000 and $45,000 on their weddings. The reality that the media doesn’t promote, however, is that not everyone has the budget for one of […]

Which Records Do I Keep After Tax Season?

Records to keep after tax season

Most of us can’t wait to get our taxes finished each year. In fact, the last thing that we want to do once we finish filing is look at any more tax-related documents from that fiscal year. You might be in a hurry to put tax season behind you. However, you shouldn’t rush to toss […]

4 Ways to Boost Next Year’s Tax Refund

4 ways to boost

Being financially savvy all comes down to planning ahead. Most Americans like to procrastinate as much as possible when it comes to taxes. That usually means that we don’t even begin to think about filing our tax returns until that infamous April deadline is about to come around. However, that’s not a smart way to […]

The Truth About Property Repossession and Your Credit Score

Truth about property repossession

Property repossession can be a very overwhelming and confusing ordeal. It can leave a person feeling vulnerable and helpless. It can also leave you wondering if your credit score can ever recover. Keep reading to see what you can expect to happen to your credit score if you’re facing property repossession. What Exactly Is Property […]

Three Major Signs You Need to Switch Banks

Major signs you need to Switch Bank

Loyalty is a good quality to have. However, you could be missing out on some big financial perks if you’re remaining loyal to your bank simply out of habit. How can you know it’s time to switch banks? There are actually three big signs that it’s time to take your business elsewhere. It’s nothing personal. […]

How to Best Pay off Debts to Increase Your Credit Score

How to Best Pay off Debts to Increase Your Credit Score

Does a low credit score have you worried about the future? The good news is that your credit score doesn’t have to stay in a bad place forever. However, you will need to do some work and be willing to be patient if you want to get it to a good place. Being smart about […]

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