Get Your Refund Quick! Tax Prep On The Go

Tax Services
You’ve been paying taxes all year long and are now attempting to prepare your income tax return. However, tax laws can be complicated and filing a return can be confusing, if not overwhelming. Although do-it-yourself software programs are more available, they can easily overlook a deductible. Avoid the stress and risk of inaccuracies by using a professional tax preparer. Western Shamrock’s tax services ensure that your tax filing is accurate and that you receive the largest refund possible.

Why Trust a Professional?
As a working U.S. citizen, paying taxes on your annual income is unavoidable. Depending on your income level, age, and marital status, you may be required by law to file a federal tax return. If you’re not well versed in tax preparation this can be overwhelming. Attempting to file your taxes on your own can result in errors or missed deductions. Income tax filing is a situation in which it is best to “leave it to the professionals.” They are well-versed in tax laws and will be able to identify deductibles that you may not have been aware of and can properly file you based on your personal information. Utilizing a professional tax service such as Western Shamrock will ensure that your taxes are completed accurately.

Our Tax Services
- Customers can receive $25 off tax preparation when they download our Taxes-to-Go app, which provides an easy, secure, and convenient filing option
- Earn $50 or more for referring friends and family to Western Shamrock for tax preparation services
- Earn $10, $15, and $25 for your first three referrals, plus $10 for any referral thereafter
- Can’t wait for your return? We offer loans up to $1000 for eligible customers. Checks can be printed as quickly as within 6-15 days and are faster than waiting for a mailed IRS check
Common Questions
Taxes can be one of the most stressful requirements out there for many people. Dealing with all of the rules, regulations, and requirements can seem like an awful lot. What should you account for? Are you following all the rules? Is there a way you can save more money and pay less taxes? All of these questions and more are the reason people often use services specially designed to help them prepare their taxes.
However, once the decision has been made to go with a tax prep service, you will quickly see that there are many options out there. There are professionals who offer their services, as well as many online services to assist you. How do you make this difficult choice? That’s the question that this article will help you answer. We will outline several options for tax preparation, and give you some factors that will be helpful in making your choice.
Tax preparers can be grouped broadly into two categories – professionals and online services.
Professional tax preparers are people you can hire to assist you with your taxes. These can range from lawyers, to certified accountants, to others who are experienced and offer this service. There are a wide range of companies and people who offer tax preparations service. Generally speaking, the more complex tax training that they have undergone (such as with lawyers and accountants), the more thorough services you can expect.
Tax software is also available which can be helpful in simplifying the tax process for you. Often, this software greatly simplifies the tax process by outlining where to put which figures, and prepares your tax return based on your inputs. These tend to be a lot less expensive than hiring a professional, but often require more work and preparation on your end.
Choosing between all these options can be a difficult task. Next, we will provide a list of factors that you might want to consider when deciding how you want to prepare your taxes.
This section will outline some crucial factors that you may want to consider when deciding on a tax prep service provider. There are many variables you can consider, but they should all be based on a thorough understanding of your own needs.
Extent of Your Needs
The first thing you should do in choosing a tax prep service provider is to evaluate your own needs. You should know what kind of services you are looking for, and how extensive you want this tax prep to be. Service providers can go from simply preparing your year-end tax return, to essentially acting as a financial advisor. There are many ongoing things you can do that will effect your taxes, so you should be aware of these to determine the extent of the service you are looking for.
If you are looking more on the financial advisory side of things, you will likely require someone who can adapt to your personal situation, such as a tax professional, a CPA, or a tax lawyer. If you simply need help with a year end return, you might find that tax software does the job fine.
Complexity of Your Needs
Some individuals will simply have more complex tax needs than others, and will therefore require more individualized tax help. If you own a business, you will likely have more complex needs than if you are a salaried employee. Someone with these more complex needs will likely benefit much more from a tax professional, as there is more potential money to be saved, and more risk of improperly following tax guidelines.
Of course, a big factor in this decision is the cost. As you might imagine, the more specialized you want your service to be, the more you can probably expect to pay for it. A tax professional such as a CPA or tax lawyer will cost you more than using a tax software. However, depending on your needs, it might be worth it for the extra level of tailored service provided.
This is why it is so important to evaluate your needs before beginning this decision-making process, to see if they are worth justifying the additional cost.
A very important piece of advice for selecting a tax prep service provider is to do your research. This means not only research on the type of service provider, but on the one that you actually choose. Go with referrals if you can, ask friends or colleagues if there is anyone they can recommend. There are many companies, people, and software offerings that claim to be the best, and it really takes some digging to make the best decision.