The Truth About Property Repossession and Your Credit Score

Truth about property repossession

Property repossession can be a very overwhelming and confusing ordeal. It can leave a person feeling vulnerable and helpless. It can also leave you wondering if your credit score can ever recover. Keep reading to see what you can expect to happen to your credit score if you’re facing property repossession. What Exactly Is Property […]

How to Best Pay off Debts to Increase Your Credit Score

How to Best Pay off Debts to Increase Your Credit Score

Does a low credit score have you worried about the future? The good news is that your credit score doesn’t have to stay in a bad place forever. However, you will need to do some work and be willing to be patient if you want to get it to a good place. Being smart about […]

The Five Categories That Shape Your Credit

The Five Categories That Shape Your Credit

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding what goes into a credit score. We are often left wondering if financial blunders from our past could limit our opportunities today and in the future. There are plenty of misconceptions out there when it comes to what does and doesn’t hurt your credit score. For instance, your account […]

How to Check Your Credit Score

How to Check Your Credit Score

Credit scores give you an overall sense of your financial health and provide insights to where you can make improvements. Knowing where you stand gives you the best chance for getting new credit cards or loans without navigating through rejected applications. Having your score handy also makes it easier to compare the various financial products […]

Understanding the Options and Consequences of Credit Card Debt

Understanding the Options and Consequences of Credit Card Debt

Debt is a small word that can feel like a huge burden. It sneaks up on you when you are least prepared. The digital world makes it so easy to acquire credit cards and loans that many people take on debt without fully understanding the long-term implications of signing their name on the dotted line. […]

Credit Inquiries and How They Affect You

Credit Inquiries and How They Affect You

Is somebody about to pull up an inquiry regarding your credit? It’s only natural to be curious about what this means for your credit score and overall financial health. The fact is that our credit scores are looked at by lenders whenever we apply for credit cards, car loans, mortgages or personal loans. It’s also […]

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