How an Auto Repair Loan Can Help Get Your Car Back on the Road in Texas

Texas is a state with varied terrain, and drivers put a lot of wear and tear on their cars. From urban highways to dry desert stretches, our vehicles cover a lot of miles, and unexpected breakdowns can throw a wrench into more than just our travel plans. Costly repairs can add up. So, what can a driver do when a bill from the mechanic shows up out of the blue? A car repair loan can be just the solution you need in order to cover unplanned auto costs.

Why Do People Take Out Auto Repair Loans?

When a driver has a fender bender, there is typically enough insurance coverage for the damage that takes place. However, not all auto repair costs are due to collisions. General wear and tear slowly takes a toll on many of a car’s components. Parts can wear out at the most inopportune times. To compound matters, parts can deteriorate just after a warranty has run out and warranties don’t always cover the needed repairs. Some of the common reasons that drivers take out auto repair loans include:
  • Repairs that are necessary to pass emissions testing. You can’t legally register and drive a vehicle if it doesn’t pass its emissions test. The repairs that one must pay to get the car operating at its best can often be costly.
  • Wear and tear can really take a toll on a car’s brakes. Unfortunately, they always seem to go out at the worst possible time, and when you must replace several components at once, the parts and labor costs add up quickly.
  • One of the most dreaded situations a car owner can face is their transmission going out. Although there are many signs that a transmission may be failing, drivers often overlook these symptoms out of unintentional neglect. When you must replace a transmission, it can be a very expensive undertaking.
  • The tires on our cars and trucks are some of the most sensitive safety features. As the part of the vehicle that actually makes contact with the road, drivers need to make sure that the tire tread is up to par. Quality tires come at a price, though, and not everyone has enough expendable cash to buy them when they are needed.

How Car Repair Loans Can Help

The great thing about auto repair loans is that they cover all your mechanic’s fees in one lump sum, and then allow you to pay it back over time in affordable installments. These loans are unsecured, so you don’t need to worry about putting your assets up for collateral to get the loan. Lenders take credit rating and debt-to-income ratio into consideration when determining the details of the loan and figure the principal and interest into one convenient monthly payment. This makes repair costs much easier for a driver to manage and budget. There are no prepayment fees, which is a bonus if you happen to pay off the loan early. These loans take the stress out of expensive auto repairs.

Western Shamrock Is the Lender for You

At Western Shamrock, we have been helping Texas residents with their financial needs for over 50 years. We invest our time in getting to know your individual situation and help you make sound decisions based on the best options for you. If you are facing costly automobile repairs, and don’t have money set aside, our car repair loans may be just what you’re looking for. Fill out our convenient application, and get started on your loan approval today.
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