Planning for a Financial Crisis

Planning for a Financial Crisis

Do you feel well-prepared to address a financial emergency? In early 2018, CNBC reported fewer than four in every 10 households in the United States possessed the fiscal resources required to cover the cost of an unplanned $1,000 expenditure.1 Most people in the USA do not place funds into a savings account on a regular […]

Advantages of Applying for an Online Loan

Advantages of Applying for an Online Loan

A few years back, it was tough to acquire a loan because everything had to be done face-to-face. Now, individuals no longer need to travel nor abide by business hours to acquire money. The growing functionality of the internet has revolutionized the loan application process by widening borrowers’ options. Nowadays, you can find loan information […]

The Difference Between FICO and Credit Scores

The Difference Between FICO and Credit Scores

Before getting approved for a loan, credit card, or other major financial expenditure, financial institutions have to assess the credit risk of an applicant. A credit score is a statistical expression based on credit history that is used to determine the creditworthiness of a person. Credit scores are very influential in what financial assistance options are available […]

Financial Tips to Save For the Holidays

Financial Tips to Save For the Holidays

It’s the time of year to get swept up in a whirlwind of peppermint lattes, fuzzy sweaters and gift giving. However, you don’t want to wake up on New Year’s Day feeling frantic over where all of your money has gone. The average American spends roughly $700 on holiday gifts and goodies each year. Is […]

Budgeting with the 50-20-30 Rule

Budgeting with the 50-20-30 Rule

The last two months of the year are often the months when people spend the most money. It is easy to let bills pile up as you purchase holiday gifts for friends and family, meet up for dinner with coworkers, or plan a vacation. However, there’s no reason why you need to end the year […]

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